Hello, writing this as I just figured out my old blog on blogs.msdn.com was moved into a static place and I cannot post there anymore. I know it is my fault… during my days in Microsoft Services I decided that I would be active with the tech community and share more… then life forced me to move to the sales side of the force and I ended up losing the contact with the community.

Well… those days are gone. I’m now part of the technical customer success team in Microsoft (yeah… after 19 years I’m still working for Microsoft) and I’ll return to the technical community, first coming back to the blog world with this thing I’m calling techpeanuts.

Why that name? and why using WordPress instead of the official Microsoft tech community blog platform @ https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/?

The name is because it is just anything technical that can potentially help my customers to move forward with Microsoft 365 platform adoption. Content here is not related only to Teams, or Yammer, or product X. The idea is to document tips, tricks, code, scripts, etc… whatever that may help YOU to realize the value of your investment in the Microsoft platform.

With respect to the second question. Well, there is no blog there that I may use. As I said, I’ll not post about product X or Z but about anything. Thinking out loud while I write this maybe we should have a customer success blog… but I don’t want to spend time in long review process to publish what I believe can help others…

To finish I have a disclaimer that will go with every single post here. I’m affiliated to Microsoft, but nothing I write here represent a explicit recommendation from the product teams, unless I reference official documentation supporting what I’m presenting. This is important as this will be like a canvas to share experiments and similar things…

Sorry for the English mistakes… as one of my colleagues says, English is my third language.

cheers, -cristiano.