Happy new year everyone. I found some time to work on a few Company Communicator bug fixes and a special new feature that is being requested for those ones using the dev build. I have the pleasure to announce that… Continue Reading →
Hello everyone! I am Aida Bayoumi, a Modern Work Customer Engineer at Microsoft. I’m taking over the blog for this specific post to share my experience on upgrading the official v5 version to the Company Communicator features. The new company… Continue Reading →
As I mentioned previously in one of the articles, there are many alternatives to setup the Company Communicator development environment. The easiest way is actually using Azure directly to deploy services. It is not the most efficient in terms of… Continue Reading →
Currently CC allows authors to select from four audience options, including posting to the general channel of a team, sending individual messages to all users, to members of a team or to members of specific M365, security and/or distribution groups…. Continue Reading →
Hello there! I’m writing this article to document and let you know about the most recent feature we are incorporating to our already famous Company Communicator variant. As I said previously here in this blog, improved reporting is the number… Continue Reading →
Company Communicator #1 most requested feature is improved reporting (yeah, we all need that) and I know some colleagues are already working on that :). But what about #2? That is the ability to have groups of authors targeting only… Continue Reading →
I’m writing this post just after my participation on a series of events created by the Microsoft Brazilian subsidiary on collaboration with Teams. I had the pleasure to speak about how Company Communicator, our #1 app in Teams is changing… Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago we released Speaker Queue Teams Speaker Queue | techpeanuts (tech-peanuts.com) a Teams meetings extensibility app template created to improve your meetings by defining and controlling time designated for each speaker/topic. We are now releasing version 1.1… Continue Reading →
What is Company Communicator? Company Communicator or just CC is one of the most used Teams app templates. It enables corporate teams to create and send messages intended for multiple teams or large number of employees over chat, allowing organization… Continue Reading →
Hi there! We’re all participating in a ridiculous amount of online meetings lately. Some very organized, some fun, some rewarding, but some just disorganized and a waste of time. How can we help to improve your online meetings? A few… Continue Reading →
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